Flour Craft Bakery is committed to giving back to our community through charitable contributions.
In lieu of individual donations to school auctions or other fundraisers, we make regular monthly contributions to selected nonprofit organizations.
For 2025, we will donate 1% of sales to these organizations:
We donate food on a weekly basis to:
Marin Humane Society- Located in Novato. The Marin Humane Society is a local, independent organization dedicated to the well being of animals in our community.
No Kid Hungry- No Kid Hungry is working to end child hunger in America today by ensuring that all children get the healthy food they need every day to thrive.
Southern Smoke Foundation- Southern Smoke takes care of our own by putting dollars directly into the pockets of food and beverage workers when it’s needed most. Whether there are unforeseen hardships or mental health needs, our funds and resources help those who put food on your table. No ask is too big or too small.
ExtraFood.org — We support extrafood.org's commitment to ensuring that no one in Marin County goes hungry. Did you know that even in a wealthy County like Marin more than 49,000 residents are considered food insecure?
Thanks for supporting Flour Craft Bakery!
Your support helps us help others.
Click on any of the above links on this page for more info or to make a direct donation to any of the organizations.